Article: It's not right that four million disabled people are locked in poverty

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Why not read the JRF’s article: it's not right that four million disabled people are locked in poverty!

This article by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explores the poverty faced by many British families with disabled children. 

It explains that families with disabled children are more likely to experience poverty with over half of families with a disabled child at risk of poverty.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation explores two reasons for this statistic. First it highlights that the extra resources needed to raise a disabled child are unmanageable for many families. In some cases it costs up to 3 times as much to bring up a disabled child! Second, it points to recent reforms to the benefit system that have  left disabled children worse off and their families poorer.

KEEN will have to continue to work hard alongside other charities to help break disabled families out of the poverty trap.

Go on, give it a read!