Impact Hub


Understanding how we make a difference is really important for us. Being able to tell others about what we have achieved is too.

Our continually updating Impact Hub below is full of up-to-date information on the needs we address, and the difference we make. We hope you find it useful!

Our Impact Hub is currently in the process of being restructured, and will be fully available in May 2021! In the meantime, here are some facts and figures and KEEN stories.


How to use our Impact Hub

What is in the Impact Hub?

Our Impact Hub includes a wealth of information on the needs that KEEN's activities are designed to address, the outputs of our work (the practical things we do), and the outcomes (the difference made for people and communities).

How often does KEEN report on the difference it makes?

Until 2021 we published one main 'Making a Difference Report' yearly, and additional individual project reports as required by our funders. We still do so as needed, but decided in March 2021 to create this Impact Hub which allows us to report on a continual basis, almost in 'real time', in a way that is much more dynamic and responsive than a static written report.

Where can I find information on a particular KEEN project?

You can find a list of KEEN Projects by Impact Hub section here in due course. In the meantime, have fun exploring and send us a message if you cannot find what you are looking for!

I am a potential funder? Can I request additional information from KEEN?

Of course! We love to talk with existing and potential funders about our work, the need for it, and the difference we try to make. We will be more than happy to provide additional information.

Why do we need to exist?

This part of our Impact Hub collects information on the needs we address with our work.


An overview of disability inclusion in the UK

The evidence that guides us


How we work

This section is all about the way we go about our work and what this has achieved. We are a predominantly youth-led movement for inclusion. We try to be innovative with everything we do. We are a nimble, quick acting, and risk taking organisation. And finally, we try to be as open and accountable as possible.

Our activities by area

This part is divided into three mains sections: Creating, Supporting, and Promoting Inclusion. Each section includes an overview or our activities that are most closely aligned with that area, and a further detailed factfile for each of these. Additional sections talk about other areas of work.


Creating Inclusion

Our inclusive on the ground and virtual projects across arts, physical activity, and other forms of social and recreational participation. Focused on disabled and non-disabled people having opportunities to participate together, today.


Supporting Inclusion

Our work supporting other organisations and community services to be more inclusive of disabled people.


Promoting Inclusion

Our work focused on making inclusion a value ingrained in every UK community and society as a whole.


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Our Impact Hub above is the best source of detailed, dynamic, and accessible information on the difference our activities make.

We also periodically collect information from the above into downloadable reports. When a new one is made, you will find it below!



KEEN is special and for many it is a life-line. As a participant, volunteer, and now trustee, I am still filled with wonder at how much goes on

Jo, KEEN Trustee / Find out more about our team



Share your stories


Would you like to share something about how we are doing or the difference we make? Please do so below, we’d love to hear from you!