Branch Out! Startup Webinar


Our national Branch Out! campaign has the goal of establishing 10 new national branches by June 2021. KEEN currently has 14 branches across the UK, but for a truly national movement of inclusion more branches, bringing national change on a local level, are needed. 

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Our monthly Webinar aims to build a community of people passionate about creating a more inclusive society through their local KEEN branches.

Each Webinar will include a presentation from a regional branch or the KEEN UK team about ongoing projects as well as the opportunity to ask experienced KEEN team members questions.

  • Thinking about starting a branch but don’t know where to start? 

    • Join our Webinar to learn from people who have done it before

  • Already started a branch but want to know more? 

    • Find inspiration from other UK branches, their projects and initiatives

    • Learn about how to make your branch effective - hearing what others did well and things they would improve

  • Want to collaborate on a project with another branch?

    • The monthly webinar is an opportunity to meet like-minded people who want to make social change 

    • Build national links and integrate projects like #ShareOneWorld or Code for Inclusion

Our Webinars will be held towards the end of each month! We hope to see you there!

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Join us at a critical time for supporting inclusion. Lead positive social change and leave a legacy. Help make your community, and the nation, more inclusive!