Become a Big Conversation Ambassador

Do you feel we should be talking more about inclusion and disability? Are you ready to use your voice and bring others into the conversation? Everyone is welcome, but we’re especially keen to hear from you if you are a young person and/or have a disability. 

What you could do:

  • Post on social media: TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and the rest! Frustrated that you can’t participate in a local sports club? @ them and suggest how to make their club more inclusive! Shocked about the ableist language you’ve seen in an advert? Get people talking about it!

  • Helping with our webinars: our Big Conversation Team will be planning and running forums but they need your help with promoting and facilitating an inclusive discussion. Know someone you think would be a great speaker, whether they’re a friend or an MP? Submit a suggestion to the team and help get them signed up! Do you have ideas on how to make our webinars more accessible and inclusive? Please let us know.

  • Participate in our webinars: sign up and join the conversation! Submit questions ahead of time, add your voice during the webinar, post about it on social media to continue the conversation.

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