Dancing for Inclusion!

I spoke to three of our Young Leaders about why KEEN is important and about their amazing fundraising project
— Catherine, Programme Manager

Why is KEEN’s mission important to you?


“Growing up in a busy city like Hong Kong, under the prosperity, we noticed minorities are some times being neglected. There is little awareness raised about being supportive and inclusive to everyone in our community, and it is not enough in this world too. Even though the three of us now are studying in the UK, we still wanted to do something to help. Then we saw that KEEN has a mission to create, support and promote inclusion, and we believed that this idea is very important as we can finally bring the whole community together. Therefore, we decided to join KEEN and to help spreading the message.”


To raise money for KEEN as part of their fundraising project, they decided to make music and dance videos which they shared online with family and friends. They chose to do this because they thought they could ‘sing and dance to inspiring songs that spread the message of inclusion and being supportive, and luckily, we have got teammates who know how to sing and dance!’.

Between them, they have over 5 years of dance experience, with every kind of dance from jazz funk to hip hop.

Dancing is just our interest which we enjoy a lot and for us to express our feelings.
— Chloe, Webbe and Josephine

What’s your favourite thing about being involved with KEEN?

We have been enjoying every moment we spent with KEEN so far, but one of our favourite things is that we get to use our own way to help the community. We have never thought that we could use our hobbies as part of our fundraising project, and it is amazing to see how people support us doing it. We certainly enjoy the making progress, and are happy to see that money raised can be used by KEEN to help the community!

How can you watch the videos?

Simply click the link below and check out their videos and donation page!